Focus on the economic situation in the third quarter 丨 Xinhua Time Review: China is still a hot spot for foreign investment


The Sixth China International Import Expo is approaching, and China has once again gathered the eyes of the world.The exhibition area of enterprises has increased by about 30%, and the number of exhibitors of the world's top 500 and leading enterprises in the industry has exceeded the previous level. More than 400 new products, new technologies, and new services will be unveiled, demonstrating the attractiveness of the Chinese market and the new vitality of high-quality development from one side.

The Sixth China International Import Expo is approaching, and China has once again gathered the eyes of the world.The exhibition area of enterprises has increased by about 30%, and the number of exhibitors of the world's top 500 and leading enterprises in the industry has exceeded the previous level. More than 400 new products, new technologies, and new services will be unveiled, demonstrating the attractiveness of the Chinese market and the new vitality of high-quality development from one side.

Regardless of the attractiveness of the Chinese market to foreign investment, the feelings of multinational companies are the most convincing.In the third quarter of this year, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade conducted research visits to nearly 700 foreign-funded companies. 80% of the foreign-funded companies surveyed expect their profits to be flat or increase this year, and nearly 90% expect their profits to be flat or increase in the next five years.

At present, in the context of the global downturn in cross-border investment, the scale of China's foreign investment attraction is still at an all-time high. The number of new foreign-invested enterprises has been increasing, most of which have achieved better profitability and the investment structure has been continuously optimized, which fully shows that China's long-term trend of attracting foreign investment for the better has not changed and will not change.

Some multinational companies say that a stable growth market means a stable return on investment.Despite the downward fluctuations in the world economy and the more complex and severe external environment, China's gross domestic product increased by 5.2% year-on-year in the first three quarters, and economic indicators such as industry, service industry, and consumption maintained growth, and the national economy continued to improve.Recently, a number of international institutions have raised their expectations for China's economic growth.Judging from the development trend, the Chinese market is huge in scale, with a complete industrial system, rich human resources, a solid foundation for economic development, strong development resilience and potential, and the long-term fundamentals for the better have not changed.

China is still a hot spot for foreign investment.Investing in China is investing in the future, and leaving the Chinese market is a big opportunity for development.In the first three quarters, the actual use of foreign capital in the manufacturing industry increased by 2.4% year-on-year, of which the actual use of foreign capital in the high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 12.8% year-on-year, demonstrating the “gold content” of high-quality investment.

China is comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization and focusing on promoting high-quality development. In the process of accelerating the construction of a high-level socialist market economy system, building a modern industrial system, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, promoting coordinated regional development, and promoting high-level opening up to the outside world, it will definitely create more development opportunities for multinational enterprises.

At present, China has placed attracting foreign investment in a more important position and continuously improved its business environment.Introduced 24 policies and measures in 6 aspects to increase efforts to attract foreign investment; held international exhibitions such as the Service and Trade Fair, the Canton Fair, the China Import and Trade Fair, the Digital Trade Fair, and the Chain Fair to a high standard; will completely eliminate restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing industry, in-depth promotion of cross-border service trade and investment at a high level of openness, and steadily expand institutional openness; strive to build a higher-level pilot free trade zone and promote the construction of the “Belt and Road” into a new stage of high-quality development... China continues to take pragmatic measures to build a cooperation platform for all parties, and continues to release clear signals for expanding high-level openness.

As a series of measures to stabilize foreign investment take effect, the attractiveness of China's large market will be further demonstrated.An open and developing China will surely attract more multinational companies to invest in China, share development opportunities, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation.


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Focus on the economic situation in the third quarter 丨 Xinhua Time Review: China is still a hot spot for foreign investment

The Sixth China International Import Expo is approaching, and China has once again gathered the eyes of the world.The exhibition area of enterprises has increased by about 30%, and the number of exhibitors of the world's top 500 and leading enterprises in the industry has exceeded the previous level. More than 400 new products, new technologies, and new services will be unveiled, demonstrating the attractiveness of the Chinese market and the new vitality of high-quality development from one side.


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